About Luther K. Snow
Luther K. Snow
is a national speaker, facilitator, and consultant who specializes in empowering communities, groups, and networks to take positive action for the common good. Luther is the creator of Asset Mapping, the in-person method for positive group collaboration that has gone "viral" and spread to over 2.5 million users across the US, Canada, and places overseas. A premier facilitator, Luther has worked with over 25,000 people and hundreds of organizations, giving him the nickname of the "Good Groups Guru."Luther has 35 years' experience in community and group leadership.
- He's led grassroots social and economic development efforts in inner-city Chicago, and he's sparked positive rural development approaches across the nation.
- He has published three bestselling books, including The Power of Asset Mapping and The Organization of Hope.
- In faith-based work, Luther has trained the leaders of 6 national denominations and strengthened hundreds of congregations.
- Luther's expertise includes community partnerships, financial strategy, university engagement, and social enterprise.
bio with rural emphasis