Welcome to my website! I am a consultant, facilitator, author, and speaker who helps groups of people take positive action for the common good. As the "Good Groups Guru," I've trained and facilitated over 25,000 people and hundreds of organizations in positive collaboration. I am best known as the Creator and Developer of Asset Mapping.

You and 2.5 million people strong.
Over 2.5 million people have used my tools and approaches to get things done. We are part of an even larger movement of people working for collaborative justice in all walks of life.
Over 35 years in this work, I've made a real breakthrough in our understanding of how groups and communities work for the good. And I know how to put this understanding to work for you.
If you use Asset Mapping, you'll see a positive impact in as little as an hour! If you engage my services as a speaker, facilitator, or consultant, your group will get a big boost and you will see even greater impact over the long run.
All Kinds of Groups!

I work with all kinds of groups, non-profit organizations, associations, foundations, social enterprises, public officials, congregations, and educational institutions, in rural communities, small towns, and inner-city neighborhoods. I have special experience and expertise in several diverse fields described on this site.
What people are saying about working with Luther Snow:

Rural Turnaround: "Luther helped our rural community see the gifts and strengths right in our own backyard. Now we're working together on jobs and business for the future."
see Rural and Facilitation
Congregational Renewal: "Our congregation loved Asset Mapping with Luther. We've seen a complete shift in mindset, toward abundance. And we've raised $1.7 million!"
see Congregations and Public Speaking
Fundable Partnership: "When our foundation was asked to support the creation of a local office for a national organization, we hired Luther to figure out how this could work for and with local leaders and organizations."
see Partnerships and Consulting
Positive Community Leadership. "I saw Luther's positive approach at a workshop, and I knew he was just what we needed to work with our City Council in this budget crisis."
see Asset Mapping and Speaking
Social Enterprise. "By using Luther's Asset Mapping, our non-profit was able to discover ways that we could earn income while strengthening our efforts."
see Finance and Consulting
College Collaboration. "I've discovered connections I never imagined. That's strengthened my position on campus, and highlighted the value of our efforts to the whole college."
see University and Facilitation
The Power of Asset Mapping. "This book is revolutionary in the best sense of the word. It does a beautiful job of combining spirit and practice. It should be the operating manual for anyone trying to transform institutions, communities, or nations."
Peter Block.
see PublicationsCore Services:
Extraordinary Results from Simple Tools
Click below for the kinds of services you are seeking:
Special Topics and Training:
New Thinking, Making a Difference
Click below for special expertise that's helpful in your work:

Explore this site also for downloadable resources, publications, news, biographical information, handouts and other information for sponsors. I'm working on networking tools and other ways to inform and guide your work.
What each of us does supports all of us, and together we are stronger than we even imagine. Thank you for all that you do, and I look forward to working with you!